As an international student on an F-1 visa, you must be aware of your immigration 以及学术地位. Keeping track of these documents 和 processes will help ensure you complete your educational goals while still staying legally in the U.S.

  1. 维护 a full 学习课程 each required semester

    • 维护 12个单元 through the entire semesters of Fall 和 Spring until you complete your program of study or transfer to a new school

        • 12个最小单位, 9 units must be registered as in-person or hybrid classes

        • If you were admitted for a 夏天 semester, you must maintain 6 units through your first 夏天 term. Future enrollments in 夏天 semesters are not required

  2. Obtain permission from the ISC before dropping below a full 学习课程

    • There are limited exceptions that allow an international student to drop below a full 学习课程. 检查 减少课程负担 reasons carefully 和 speak with a Visa Advisor or International Counselor at the ISC if you are having difficulties with your classes or your personal life 

    • 你必须获得 授权 from the ISC before you drop any course(s). If you fail to follow this rule, this will negatively impact your I-20 和 your legal ability to stay 和 study in the U.S.  

  3. 有效护照

  4. 有效I-20

    • 维护 a valid, unexpired I-20 在任何时候

    • 寻求一个 I-20扩展 at least 30 days before the program end date listed in your most recent PCC I-20 if you do not think you will complete your program of study by that date

  5. 获得授权 工作前

    • F-1 visa students are eligible to work in the U.S. 但必须收到书面通知 授权 在任何工作开始之前

    • 回顾不同之处 employment guidelines for F-1 visa students安排约会 with an International Advisor to receive 授权

    • 就业 授权 can come from the ISC or from the U.S. Citizenship 和 Immigration 服务, depending if the work will be on campus or off campus

      • 校内工作: Written 授权 is provided by the ISC

      • 校外工作: Any off campus work must be related to your academic major.
        Written 授权 for off-campus work is provided by either the ISC if employment 正在 Curricular Practical Training (CPT), or 授权 from the U.S. Citizenship 和 Immigration 服务 if employment 正在 Optional Practical Training (OPT)

  6. Obtain a travel signature before re-entering the U.S.

    Obtain a travel signature from the ISC on your I-20 before you travel internationally 通过提交 旅行请求. 在美国境内旅行.S. does not require a travel signature.

    Travelling internationally while classes are in session is not recommended. 学生 assume the risk of re-entering the U.S. border or being dropped from their class(es) if they choose to travel when class is in session.

  7. Accurate Personal Information

    • Update your student record within 10 days when there are changes to your address, phone number, e-mail address, change of major, or other important information. 提交 a Change of Information form to the ISC so that your record is accurate

    • 维护 consistency of records by using your legal name as it appears in your passport

  8. 遵守所有宽限期

    • 新录取学生 可以进入美国.S. 30 days before the program start date listed on your PCC I-20

    • 持续的学生 可能会留在美国.S. 在以下情况发生后的60天内:

      • Completing their program of study or graduating; or

      • Completing their post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) during their 授权 期

    • New or Continuing 学生 谁被授予 Authorized Early Withdrawal 可能会留在美国.S. up to 15 days following the withdrawal date provided to you by your International Advisor

    • 学生 terminated for negative reasons - such as unauthorized drop below 12个单元, registering in more than 3 fully online classes towards their full-time requirement, among other reasons - are not eligible for grace 期s 和 must exit the U.S. immediately after their termination date

    • If you wish to extend your stay in the U.S. beyond your program's end date, talk to an International Advisor regarding options, which include:

      • 转移ring to another school
      • Changing to a new program of study
      • Changing your status to another visa status, if eligible

资料来源:美国.S. Study in the States, site for F-1 visa students